Top 10 First Date Questions

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First Date Questions
Let’s be honest, first dates can be extremely intimidating. What do you do? Better yet, what do you say? There is so much you want to ask a person, but how much can you really ask without wondering if you’ve overstepped your boundaries?

Of course there are the simple and obvious questions like “what’s your favorite ice cream flavor?” or “do you prefer dogs or cats?” Sure, these may be fun and playful, but they probably won’t elicit any answers of substantial worth and aren’t likely to generate a meaningful conversation.

So, what are some good first date questions to help break the ice? Below we’ve compiled a list of the top ten questions that would be fun and appropriate for a first date:

1.) Where did you grow up and what is your family like?

Asking a person to give you insight on their childhood and family life can teach you a lot about their morals and values. It also shows that you what kind of relationship they have with their parents and if they are more likely to be stable and happy in their own relationship.

2.) Who has been the biggest influence in your life?

Asking about the person your date looks up to most in life will give you a great deal of insight about their character. You may also learn a great deal about what your date expects most out of life and what he or she hopes to achieve.

3.) What kind of music do you like?

It may seem like one of the most basic questions you could ask someone, but music plays an integral role in many peoples’ lives. Who knows, if you find out that you share the same musical interests, you can even use it as leverage to plan your next date.

4.) What do you like to do for fun?

This is a great conversation starter because asking your date about their leisurely interests can generate conversations about future dates. Maybe you both like to go hiking or maybe you both love going to the beach. You’ll never know until you ask!

5.) What is your favorite book?

Literature is always a great tool to find out about a person’s personal likes and interests. Do they like biographies? Or maybe Shakespeare? Asking these kind of questions can lead to some interesting and enlightening conversation topics.

6.) What is the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

Asking this kind of question can elicit a sense of fun and excitement. You may even find out that your date is an extreme daredevil who likes to go bungee jumping and skydiving every single weekend.

7.) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

This is great way to find out whether your date is the adventurous type or if they prefer to stay close to home. Whatever the case may be, this type of question is sure to bring up fun and thrilling things to talk about.

8.) What is your biggest goal in life right now?

This type of question has the potential to spark conversations that could last for hours. Almost everyone has a major goal in life and getting your date to open up about it shows that you have an interest in what they want to do with their life.

9.) What qualities and traits do you look for in a partner?

Getting your date talking about the characteristics they look for in a significant other will help you understand if you share the same values or if you would be a good suit for each other.

10.) Are there any causes in your life that you’re passionate about?

Inquiring about charitable causes that are close to a person’s heart will give you a great amount of insight about their character. You might also find that you share similar interests, such as a love for animals or helping children in need.

Great communication on a first date begins and ends with being genuinely interested in the individual you’re with and paying close attention to what he or she has to say. And remember, there are no right or wrong answers. Relax and have fun. You can also use singles chat as a way to practice and get more comfortable with the types of questions you ask.

About Pamela Page

Hi, I'm Pamela and I'm so excited to talk to you about your love life. I've had some really amazing and extremely horrible luck with online dating, so I figure I'd share my experience with the world. Remember to download my Free Online Dating Guide!


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