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Why Won’t He Commit?

Men have a lot of fears about relationships and commitment and although it might seem like men only want to have their cake and eat it, deep down, a lot of men want a great and committed relationship too, they are just very good at not showing it and can remain frustratingly elusive. It might [...]

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Don’t Over-Think, Just Remember Who You Are

Getting any woman to stop thinking would be a miracle in itself because that’s what women do and we do it well. We are natural problem solvers and like to analyse everything in life until we get a good grasp of it and if we are honest, we probably do the same thing to the [...]

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Online Dating: Men vs Women [Infographic]

Looking for love online?  While you might think that the digital world of personality profiles and automatic matches eliminates the blind guessing of, say, picking up a stranger in a bar, the truth is that online dating has its own unique science of rules and expectations.  In fact, online dating is often more complicated than [...]

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