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Brush Up on Your Emotional Fitness

Loving someone means that you will be there for them through thick and thin, the good times and the bad and providing full emotional support if your partner is feeling less than happy, and is a wonderful way to strengthen the bonds of love. Emotional support isn’t of course about jumping into bed with each other and [...]

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Are you in a healthy relationship?

You might be head over heels in love with your partner but do you honestly think, hand on heart that it is a loving and healthy relationship for the both of you? If no, it’s time to take a cold, hard look at the reality of your situation. If you have been on your own [...]

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Breaking Up Clues You Shouldn’t Ignore

Are you in a relationship and have been convinced right from the start that this man is the one for you? Do you think of him as your soul mate? The man that you have been waiting for all of your life? If yes, then you should be in seventh heaven right now? There is [...]

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