Romance and Regrets

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Dating might be fun but if anyone thinks that dating is easy, they certainly must have been lucky in the romantic stakes. Dating in general is hard work and fraught with twists and turns which can easily upset the romantic applecart. If you are single then the temptation to rush back in to another relationship straight away might be overwhelming, but be warned, there can be many pitfalls to embracing dating whole-heartedly and you don’t want to look back and regret.

Being newly single can send you straight into the arms of a dissatisfied married other. If you have been married or have been in a long term relationship yourself, you will understand only too well how difficult it can be to endure an unhappy marriage. Careful though. Many women have discovered that they were merely fresh fodder for bored husbands who have carefully searched for single women on Internet dating sites.  Many regrets have been made through believing sob stories whole-heartedly and whilst no doubt some are genuinely unhappy, many women live to regret becoming involved with married men.

Another regret for many is turning down a romantic encounter when they had the opportunity. You can argue of course that the timing was all wrong but maybe the lesson here is learning to jump at opportunities when they occur even if you might feel that you are not romantically ready at the time. Some women regret not asking out the man of their dreams, feeling that they didn’t stand a chance of ensnaring him only to find out much later, that he fancied them too. Too late though, he’s moved on.

Regrets come in all shapes and sizes and often we look back over the years when life seemed so much simpler, there may have been that first boyfriend who you thought was always going to be the real love of your life. Regretting letting a past love go is not unusual but you have to remember that it’s likely that you are both different people now and would have potentially grown apart as the years progressed. Of course if your first love was a genuine, kind and caring individual and your partners afterwards were not any of those things, then its’ no wonder that you look back and see that love as one that was wasted. If you really feel regret leaving him, instead of moping about the past, consider how you can attract nicer men into your life instead. Look forwards and not backwards.

Another regret for many women is not ending a bad relationship much earlier. We have probably all done this, held on to the relationship long after it was well and truly emotionally over. Fear of being alone, concerns that our partners might not cope without us or financial restraints can all tie us into a bad relationship. It’s much healthier to accept that it’s over and then move on and move out.  It’s easy to regret trying to make it work and living a lie for some months or even years, but at some point, it’s time to say goodbye. Then when you look back, you can learn from the experience.

Sex plays a big part in our staying with the wrong man. Sometimes we are just attracted to bad boys and the sexual chemistry with a bad boy can really sizzle It doesn’t matter how you justify it to yourself; the sex might have been satisfying but was the relationship? A dissatisfying uncaring man might make your toes curl in the bedroom department but aren’t you worth more? These ‘friends with benefits’ relationships are only satisfying in the short term.

Fear of being hurt or rejected can often be a more overpowering emotion than love and if you have been badly hurt in the past, it can be a scary time when you start developing real feelings for someone again. Some women are unable to cope with this and have left their new love before getting hurt. These actions can very quickly lead to regrets.

The moral of the article is that you don’t want to waste your life by looking back and feeling regret for decisions that you made at the time. There is no point being fearful of life, instead embrace it, live it and enjoy it. Whatever decisions you make going forward, has to be because it’s the right decision for you at the time.

About Pamela Page

Hi, I'm Pamela and I'm so excited to talk to you about your love life. I've had some really amazing and extremely horrible luck with online dating, so I figure I'd share my experience with the world. Remember to download my Free Online Dating Guide!


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