The Top Dating Commandments

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Whether you have historically been searching for love the traditional way and trawling the pubs and cafes in the hopes of finding ‘the one’ or if you have taken the plunge into Internet Dating and are wading through the invisible protocol of potential suitors, it is worth learning or refreshing your memory as to these top dating commandments that you shouldn’t break.

Your profile is the single most important aspect of Internet dating. If you don’t take time to compose a profile that literally sits up and shouts come and get me, then you could be losing out on lots of dates potentially. Worse, you could be losing out on meeting that special person that we all long for. It’s worth looking at other profiles to get a feel for what they say but don’t feel that you need to emulate them, you are after all, unique and you want to come across as that way. Make sure that your profile stands out by writing the things that the others don’t have. This way you can give others a real insight into you the person. Don’t lie though or feel the need to embellish. You’ll soon get caught out.

It’s also important to keep your emotional baggage to one side when it comes to writing a profile that works and of course when emailing potential dates. Everyone has baggage of some description, it’s impossible not to have something left over from a previous relationship – lack of confidence, financial concerns, a broken heart. Whilst everyone has problems, you don’t want them to be displayed for the whole world to see and to discuss. Keep your baggage well and truly hidden until you come to meet someone that you feel comfortable with and select a time when you wish to open up.

When you post a photo online, do remember that it’s supposed to represent you, so however tempting it is to post a photo of Angelina Jolie or the equivalent, your date does need to know what you look like. Otherwise they are never going to find you when you do meet up.

True love needs interaction and it’s also far from being skin deep. So this means, respond when you get an email even if you don’t really fancy the other person. There is no point being ignorant or rude, this person has real feelings. It’s fine to say no thanks if you honestly feel that you are not suited on any level but do say so nicely. Don’t play hard to get either. If you like someone and they like you, be yourself, have fun, enjoy the interaction and don’t play games.

One of the almost guaranteed topics that will crop up again and again and again is the subject of sex. This might not be much of a shock, but remember that you can interact with fun chat if that’s what you want but make sure it’s what both of you want. The quickest way for your potential dates to decide that they are not interested is when virtual sex fun and games go too far, too quickly.

Above all else, be honest with yourself as well as with your potential dates. There is no point lying about who you are or what you are like. Why would you want to go to those lengths to make out you are someone else? Vamp up your profile, have fun with it but never tell lies as you can guarantee the one time it counts, your potential date will not be impressed.

When writing to your future date, there is no need to write essays. Do you even have time to write an essay? Instead make the most of a short email by making every word count. No need to spill out your whole life story in an email, you do need to leave something to talk about when you first meet up after all.

Finally, don’t think that everyone out there in Internet land is a wonderful enchanted being who is going to come and mesmerise you with their charm and whisk you off to a place where money grows on trees and love lives on forever. Nice thought but you need to keep your feet firmly on the ground in the real world. Internet dating offers a lot of potential but there is no magic wand, relationships are hard work and you have to take the rough with the smooth but if you follow the commandments, you’ll enjoy the whole dating bonanza.

About Pamela Page

Hi, I'm Pamela and I'm so excited to talk to you about your love life. I've had some really amazing and extremely horrible luck with online dating, so I figure I'd share my experience with the world. Remember to download my Free Online Dating Guide!


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