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Careful What You Wish For

How many times have you looked up into the ether and said you want to win a million pounds or that you would love your perfect man to enter your life? Have you ever then sighed wistfully and thought ‘if only’? If your life is barren of any romantic gestures and you have almost forgotten [...]

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Utilize the Power of the Law of Attraction and Let Love into Your Life

Have you heard of the law of attraction? It is one of the most powerful forces within the universe and according to information published wide and far about this natural law, like attracts like. Think about how you attract friends to you, have you ever marvelled that you have met up with someone quite by [...]

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Don’t Just Rely on Internet Dating for Romantic Success

Internet dating is a great way to boost your social life and to meet lots of available others but it can seem a cold and impassioned way to pick up a man if online dating is all new to you.  There is no flesh and blood contact in the first instance, no intuitive sensations, no [...]

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